1st NeMiF Day (Network Migration and Refugee Research Bavaria)
on 12 July 2019 in Eichstätt
Panel: Integration und Participation
Intersectional approach to the process of integration in Europe for survivors of human trafficking (INTAP)
The Justice Project, Karlsruhe & Simon W. Kolbe, Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
16th Scientific Symposium of the Society of Criminology
on 06 September 2019 in Vienna
Sexual Exploitation of Nigerian and Chinese Trafficked Persons - (not) an Austrian Problem? Caroline Sander (Herzwerk)
According to reports from the Federal Criminal Police Office, a total of 72 trafficked persons and cross-border prostitution traffickers were identified in 2016. Five trafficked persons were from Nigeria, and there were no Chinese trafficked persons. Does this very low number of identified Nigerian and Chinese trafficked persons-which, in the case of Nigerian women, is also the highest number since 2012-allow us to conclude that, until then, Nigerian and Chinese trafficking hardly mattered? A 2017 report by IOM paints a different picture: For example, IOM estimates that 80% of Nigerian women arriving in Italy may be trafficked. Could these figures also apply to Austria? How have the numbers evolved? Could it be that a large proportion of trafficked persons are not recognized? And if so, what is it that prevents Nigerian and Chinese trafficked persons from approaching the police as victims or making a statement?
Herzwerk has been working in outreach work with people in prostitution for 12 years and serves numerous Nigerian and Chinese women who are affected by sexual exploitation but usually do not testify against the perpetrators. The EU-funded international research project "Best Practices in Tackling Trafficking Nigerian Route" (BINIs) focused on trafficked Nigerians and identified, among other things, factors that often stand in the way of testifying. As part of the ongoing EU-funded project „Intersectional Approach to the Process of Integration in Europe for Survivors of Human Trafficking“ (INTAP), Nigerian and Chinese trafficked persons themselves have their say.
The presentation aims to shed light on the dark field of third-country nationals trafficked for sexual exploitation in Austria.
- April 19 Presentation of the project at the conference of the "Bündnis gegen Zwangsprostitution und Menschenhandel Baden-Württemberg" in Stuttgart, Germany (by The Justice Project)
- May 19 Visit of the Bridge-Conference in Pescara, Italy, organized by the European Freedom Network (by The Justice Project)
- May 19 Project presentation at the Transnational Meeting of the RIGHT WAY European Project - Florence, Italy (by Community Pope John XXIII)
- June 19 Project presentation at a training event for the private provider of social services "ambuflex GmbH - sozialer Dienstleister" in Eichstätt, Germany (by Simon W. Kolbe)
- July 19 Visit at the CCARHT SUMMER SYMPOSIUM "The Several Rs of Trafficking: Risks, Rewards & Research", organized by the Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking, in Cambridge, England (by The Justice Project)
- July 19 Project presentation on the occasion of the research and field visit of Rajagiri College of Social Work, India to the University of Eichstätt (by Simon W. Kolbe).
- August 19 Project presentation at another training event for "ambuflex GmbH - social service provider" in Eichstätt (by Simon W. Kolbe)
- September 19 Project presentation at the VHS Bonn, Germany (by SOLWODI)
- October 19 Project presentation at YWAM University of the Nations in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (by The Justice Project). YWAM University of the Nations' Urban Presence School focuses on human rights violations that occur in urban areas, particularly in Europe and Southeast Asia.
- November 19 Workshop at "WEICHE - Fachstelle gegen sexuelle Gewalt im Landkreis Eichstädt" in Ingolstadt (by Simon W. Kolbe)
- November 19 Attended Thomson-Reuter's Trust Conference in London, England (by The Justice Project).
- November 19 Training event for general education teachers of the Bavarian Riot Police (by Simon W. Kolbe).
- November 19 Project presentation at the alliance meeting of the "Bündnis gegen Zwangsprostitution und Menschenhandel Baden-Württemberg" in Stuttgart, Germany (by The Justice Project)
- November 19 Project presentation in the opening lecture at the study conference of the AG Christliche Sozialarbeit im Deutschen Berufsverband für Soziale Arbeit e.V. (Christian Social Work Group in the German Professional Association for Social Work). (by Simon W. Kolbe)
- January 20 Project presentation at the poster exhibition of the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (by The Justice Project)
- February 20 Project presentation at a training event for social workers, psychologists, psychiatric rehabilitation therapists, promoted by Foundation Opera don Calabria and European movement for the Protection of Life and Dignity. Title: "The flawed freedom. Trafficking: two sides of the same coin" - Verona, Italy (by Community Pope John XXIII)
- February 20 Presentation of the project results "Round Table Human Trafficking", organizer Rev. Martin Klein, Commissioner for Flight and Migration (by The Justice Project)
- November 20 Project presentation on the occasion of a lecture at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences (by Simon W. Kolbe)
- Dezember 20 Project presentation at the LOCCUM-Tagung (Kultur- und religionssensible Wohlfahrtspflege – Evangelische Akademie Loccum) (by Simon W. Kolbe)