In German:
„Eine Krise in der Krise“ (A crisis within a crisis), Eyselein, Luisa; Kolbe, Simon. Published in: Refugee - "Kohero" magazine for multicultural exchange (April 16, 2020, online magazine, Hamburg).
„Angst ist das größte Hindernis“ (Fear is the biggest obstacle), Kolbe, Simon ; Blöcher, Jessica ; Hecker, Tobias. Published in: Refugee - "Kohero" Magazine for Multicultural Exchange (June 18, 2020, Online Magazine, Hamburg).
„Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf die internationale Migration“ (Impact of the Corona Crisis on International Migration), Eyselein, Luisa (March 23, 2020).
"Intersektionale Integrationsansätze für vulnerable Migrantinnen: Das Beispiel weiblicher nigerianischer und chinesischer Betroffener von Menschenhandel" (Intersectional Integration Approaches for Vulnerable Migrant Women: The example of female Nigerian and Chinese trafficked persons), Wells, Anja; Kolbe, Simon W. Kolbe; Sander, Caroline. Published in: socialnet.de (November 05, 2020).
"Spiritualität als Hindernis und Chance: Soziale Arbeit mit Zwangsprostituierten aus Nigeria" (Spirituality as obstacle and opportunity: social work with forced prostitutes from Nigeria) Kolbe, Simon. Published by the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU). The renowned "Informationsdienst Wissenschaft - idw", one of the most comprehensive sources of science news in the German-speaking world, has also disseminated this on its internet platform (November 05, 2020)
"Sexuelle Ausbeutung nigerianischer und chinesischer Betroffener des Menschenhandels – (k)ein österreichisches Problem?" (Sexual Exploitation of Nigerian and Chinese Trafficked Persons - (Not) an Austrian Problem?), Sander, Caroline. Published in: Neue Kriminologische Schriftenreihe Vol. 118 (December 2020).
"Die ambivalente Funktion von Spiritualität und Religiosität: Wie nigeranische Frauen Opfer des Menschenhandels werden und wie ihnen geholfen werden kann.", Kolbe, Simon W., Wells, Anja (2020): In print.
In English:
"EU Guidelines and law about migration and human trafficking – A Summary" Working Paper 1, Eyselein, Luisa; Sanders, Carolin; Giorgia, Stefani (May 2019)
"Motherhood & Integration – A Summary" Working Paper 2, Wells, Anja (August 2019)
"An intersectional approach to the integration of women survivors of trafficking in Europe. From fear to trust" Journal of the World Society of Victimology founded by teachers of the Department of Sociology - University of Bologna (Italy); Irene Ciambezi (December 15, 2020)
In Italian:
"La Germania espelle le donne vittime di tratta" Sempre News; Irene Ciambezi (Oktober 18, 2019)
"Dopo la prostituzione, «Ecco il mio sogno» " Sempre News; Irene Ciambezi (April 18, 2020)
"La mafia nigeriana agisce in Italia" Sempre News; Irene Ciambezi (November 04, 2020)
"Storie di prostituzione cinese in Italia e in Europa" Sempre News; Irene Ciambezi (November 25, 2020)
"Un approccio intersezionale all’integrazione delle sopravvissute alla tratta in Europa. Dalla paura alla fiducia" Journal of the World Society of Victimology founded by teachers of the Department of Sociology - University of Bologna (Italy); Irene Ciambezi (December 15, 2020)
"Accoglienza, protezione e assistenza sanitaria: la tutela delle vittime ai tempi del Covid" Sanità di frontiera - Il Corriere della salute migrante; Irene Ciambezi (December 18, 2020)
In French:
"Une approche intersectionnelle à l’intégration des survivantes de la traite des êtres humains en Europe. De la peur à la confiance " Journal of the World Society of Victimology founded by teachers of the Department of Sociology - University of Bologna (Italy); Irene Ciambezi (December 15, 2020)